PHP Day 2021

PHP Day 2021

After having enjoyed many recorded talks from past Grusp events on their Vimeo channel, I decided to join the digital event this year. Due to the pandemic and travel restrictions Grusp decided to go with an online only event for the second year. Ticket price was an accessible 39 Euros. The conference was held using a platform specialised in live events. That said, for the attendee Hopin doesn’t provide any new or special features. A standard video stream, chat and private messages. No more no less.

After listening in on most of the talks on both days (June 8th and June 9th 2021), my favourites have been the outlook on new features in PHP 8.1 where Derick Rethans gave insights into enums, fibers, and more. I also enjoyed a talk on PHP Security by Alexander Makarov which pointed out tons of best practices useful in everyday PHP programming. Also Marco Perone‘s talk on PHP ❤︎ type gave interesting insights into types and access modifiers.

I’ve learned unnecessary things such as the ability to use emoticons in PHP source code even class names.

A couple of things that I want to dive in a little deeper is password encryption with scrypt, bcrypt and Argon2. Also grafana, a tool mentioned by Lorna Jane, for creating visually appealing reports and dashboards is something I might end up using. Since I’ve been constantly switching between devices and even listening while driving, I’ll definitely rewatch some of the talks.

In the next days Grusp will release the talks on their Vimeo channel. Kudos and thanks to the italian PHP Community for organising this type of events. After this light version, I’m looking forward to attending some real conferences soon.